
Showing posts from November 20, 2018

Increase spacing between nodes in tikzpicture

up vote 1 down vote favorite How can I increase the spacing between nodes A and B? Right now they are right beside each other. Also, is there a way to prevent node H from overlapping with the other nodes? The above output is produced from the following commands. documentclass[tikz]{standalone} usetikzlibrary{arrows,quotes, positioning} tikzset{block/.style={ellipse, draw, fill=gray!20, text width=8em, text centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em, width=4em}, line/.style={draw, -latex'},} begin{document} begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 3cm, auto] node [block] (A) {A}; node [block,right of=A] (B) {B}; node [block, above of=A] (C) {C}; node [block, above of=B] (D) {D}; node [block, below left of=B, below right of=A] (E) {E}; node [block, right of=E] (F) {F}; node [block, above right of=F, ...