
Showing posts from January 7, 2019

finding documentation to manually alter my desktop

0 I am a retired programmer currently using Fedora 29, with Cinnamon manually installed, via dnf. I am already reasonably comfortable with bash. I would like to remove my dependency on (as well as any Fedora-Cinnamon-spin), and teach myself how to use bash to manually alter Fedora's default gnome-3 desktop to approximate the Cinnamon desktop. This includes a taskbar for favorite icons and minimized apps, a system tray, and a lower left corner menu for launching apps. My guess is that GTK will be involved, as well as the gsettings command. I am looking for tutorials/guides that discuss the overall task at a high level, identifying the relevant issues and subtasks, and listing the order that the subtasks should be accomplished in a script. Hopefully, the documentation would then offer sample scripts...

asking about weather using 'Was'

2 The English statement 'How is the weather today?' is translated to 'Wie ist das Wetter heute?'. We can ask the same question using 'What' in English by 'What is the weather like today?' How can we say the same thing using 'Was' in German? I mean using literal translation. Is 'Was ist das Wetter so wie heute?' correct? I think because ' ... sein so wie A ' means ' ... is like A' it sounds probable. expressions grammar-identification share | improve this question asked 1 hour ago Chan Kim Chan Kim 1,004 3 15 ...