Wordle-like word clouds - can it be done without using an image?
I have seen the answer to this question:
Wordle-like word clouds
So yes it can be done by generating an image and inserting it, but that's kind of cheating. I'd like to be able to generate a word cloud that is made of searchable text, rather than a .png file. Does anyone know if that is possible?
I'm interested in any style, it doesn't have to be a complex cloud with words in different directions, it could be a "horizontal" cloud like some of those here.
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I have seen the answer to this question:
Wordle-like word clouds
So yes it can be done by generating an image and inserting it, but that's kind of cheating. I'd like to be able to generate a word cloud that is made of searchable text, rather than a .png file. Does anyone know if that is possible?
I'm interested in any style, it doesn't have to be a complex cloud with words in different directions, it could be a "horizontal" cloud like some of those here.
What part are you stuck at? That WP style just involves finding the relative frequency of the words, and then typesetting all the words scaled according to their weight (and disabling hyphenation).
– Aditya
Sep 19 '10 at 19:23
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I have seen the answer to this question:
Wordle-like word clouds
So yes it can be done by generating an image and inserting it, but that's kind of cheating. I'd like to be able to generate a word cloud that is made of searchable text, rather than a .png file. Does anyone know if that is possible?
I'm interested in any style, it doesn't have to be a complex cloud with words in different directions, it could be a "horizontal" cloud like some of those here.
I have seen the answer to this question:
Wordle-like word clouds
So yes it can be done by generating an image and inserting it, but that's kind of cheating. I'd like to be able to generate a word cloud that is made of searchable text, rather than a .png file. Does anyone know if that is possible?
I'm interested in any style, it doesn't have to be a complex cloud with words in different directions, it could be a "horizontal" cloud like some of those here.
edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:35
asked Sep 19 '10 at 10:34
What part are you stuck at? That WP style just involves finding the relative frequency of the words, and then typesetting all the words scaled according to their weight (and disabling hyphenation).
– Aditya
Sep 19 '10 at 19:23
add a comment |
What part are you stuck at? That WP style just involves finding the relative frequency of the words, and then typesetting all the words scaled according to their weight (and disabling hyphenation).
– Aditya
Sep 19 '10 at 19:23
What part are you stuck at? That WP style just involves finding the relative frequency of the words, and then typesetting all the words scaled according to their weight (and disabling hyphenation).
– Aditya
Sep 19 '10 at 19:23
What part are you stuck at? That WP style just involves finding the relative frequency of the words, and then typesetting all the words scaled according to their weight (and disabling hyphenation).
– Aditya
Sep 19 '10 at 19:23
add a comment |
2 Answers
Edit: Changed to code to make it work with newer versions of expl3
. Also added colors.
If you simply want the words in linear order, TH's simpler answer should work nicely. My code typesets the words from the most frequent to the least frequent, as close as possible to the center of the cloud, avoiding overlaps of course. This is rather slow. For instance, from the lipsum text I get (in a minute or so on my laptop)
You should to update the l3kernel
and l3experimental
bundles to the latest version (may 2014 at the time of writing): some of the functions I use (in particular sorting) are still evolving.
% Word cloud.
% At the end of the day, the user command is wordcloud.
% A typical usage would be
% wordcloud[
% number-of-words = 3,
% style = color{blue}{#1}]
% {list of various tags or words, possibly repeated
% to show significance}
% This makes a wordcloud where tags appear with a size
% proportional to the number of times they appear in the
% braced argument. Only the 3 (or more generally
% |number-of-words|) words which appear the most often
% will be displayed.
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { wordcloudMaxValue } { }
{ int_use:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int
prop_new:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_new:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_b_tl
int_new:N l_wordcloud_word_number_int
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_x_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_y_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
cs_generate_variant:Nn prop_put:Nnn { Nno }
keys_define:nn { wordcloud }
number-of-words .int_set:N = l_wordcloud_word_number_int ,
style .code:n =
{ cs_set_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn ##1 ##2 {#1} } ,
surround-fboxrule .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim ,
surround-fboxsep .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim ,
angle-step .fp_set:N = l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp ,
DeclareDocumentCommand { wordcloud } { O { } m }
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
int_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_word_number_int c_max_int
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp { 10 }
keys_set:nn { wordcloud } {#1}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
wordcloud_find_words:n {#2}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
wordcloud_typeset_words:n { l_wordcloud_word_number_int }
cs_generate_variant:Nn seq_set_split:Nnn { Nnx }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_find_words:n #1
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_clear:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ ~ } { tl_to_str:n {#1} }
seq_set_map:NNn l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ tl_map_function:nN {##1} __wordcloud_filter_letters:n }
seq_remove_all:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
cs_new:Npn __wordcloud_filter_letters:n #1
int_compare:nTF { `a <= `#1 <= `z } {#1}
{ int_compare:nT { `A <= `#1 <= `Z } {#1} }
cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn wordcloud_tally_words:
% Count occurrences, keeping track of repetition number in a prop.
prop_clear:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
prop_get:NnNTF l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% If the word is not new, add 1 to its count.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl
{ int_eval:n { l_wordcloud_tl + 1 } }
% Otherwise, initialize the count at 1.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl { 1 }
prop_put:Nno l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% Then make a seq with items of the form {word}{count}
% It would be better to use a different seq.
cs_set:Npn __wordcloud_tmp:w ##1 ##2 { { {##1} {##2} } }
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
{ prop_map_function:NN l_wordcloud_count_prop __wordcloud_tmp:w }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_sort_words_using_tally:
seq_sort:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
% If the second word count is > to the first, then the two words
% were in the wrong order (reversed), otherwise, the order is
% kept (ordered).
int_compare:nNnTF { use_ii:nn ##1 } < { use_ii:nn ##2 }
{ sort_return_swapped: } { sort_return_same: }
% we also set the max_count, used in the public wordcloudMaxValue
int_set:Nn l_wordcloud_max_count_int
exp_last_unbraced:Nf use_ii:nn
{ seq_item:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { 1 } }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_int
box_new:N l_wordcloud_result_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_words:n #1
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
hbox_set:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box
% rlap{*}
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_boxes_seq
int_zero:N l_wordcloud_int
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
int_compare:nF { l_wordcloud_int < #1 } { seq_map_break: }
int_incr:N l_wordcloud_int
msg_info:nnxx { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ use_i:nn ##1 } { use_ii:nn ##1 }
wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
seq_put_right:Nx l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ use_i:nn ##1 }
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
box_set_wd:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_ht:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_dp:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
dim_set_eq:NN fboxsep l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
dim_set_eq:NN fboxrule l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
skip_vertical:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
skip_horizontal:n { - g_wordcloud_xmin_dim }
box_use:N l_wordcloud_result_box
skip_horizontal:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
skip_vertical:n { - g_wordcloud_ymin_dim }
box_new:N l_wordcloud_word_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
hbox_set:Nn #1
color_group_begin: color_ensure_current:
wordcloud_word_style:nn {#2} {#3}
% make our box depth-less (bug in box_scale) before scaling it
hbox_set:Nn #1
{ box_move_up:nn { box_dp:N #1 } { box_use_drop:N #1 } }
box_scale:Nnn #1 {#3} {#3}
msg_info:nnxxx { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{#2} { box_wd:N #1 } { box_ht:N #1 + box_dp:N #1 }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp { inf }
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
fp_while_do:nn { l_wordcloud_angle_fp < 360 }
fp_add:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_fp
{ l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_x_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * cosd (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_y_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * sind (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim - .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim + .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim - .5 box_ht:N #1 - .5 box_dp:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim + .5 box_ht:N #1 + .5 box_dp:N #1 }
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmax } { max } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymax } { max } {#2}
msg_info:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position } {#2}
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim } + box_dp:N #1 }
hbox_to_wd:nn { 0pt }
skip_horizontal:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
box_use_drop:N #1
cs_new_protected:Npn __wordcloud_update_dim:nnn #1#2#3
dim_gset:cn { g_wordcloud_#1_dim }
use:c { dim_#2:nn }
{ use:c { g_wordcloud_#1_dim } }
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#3_#1_dim } }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_one_angle:
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_cos_fp { cosd ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_sin_fp { sind ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
% Next, we set the radius_fp to the distance between the origin
% and the intersection point (between the ray and the rectangles)
% furthest from the origin.
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_radius_fp
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymax_dim }
% We now know that we could place a word at a distance radius_fp
% and an angle angle_fp. If that is closer than what was found so
% far, used those values as the best_radius and best_angle.
{ l_wordcloud_radius_fp < l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp }
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp l_wordcloud_radius_fp
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp l_wordcloud_angle_fp
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN #1#2#3#4#5
{ dim_eval:n { #1 - .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #2 + .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #3 - .5 box_ht:N #5 - .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #4 + .5 box_ht:N #5 + .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
cs_generate_variant:Nn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN { cccc }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:nnnn #1#2#3#4
% Finds where a half-line starting at the origin with angle
% l_wordcloud_angle_fp intersects the rectangle with
% xmin=#1, xmax=#2, ymin=#3, ymax=#4. For each intersection
% that is further than the current radius_fp, increase radius_fp.
% The rectangle has four sides, so four calls to the auxiliary.
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius_aux:NnNnn #1#2#3#4#5
fp_compare:nF { #1 = 0 } % omit cases where ray // side.
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_r_fp { dim_to_fp:n {#2} / #1 }
{ #4 <= fp_to_dim:n { #3 * l_wordcloud_r_fp } <= #5 }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_radius_fp
{ max( l_wordcloud_radius_fp , l_wordcloud_r_fp ) }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn #1#2 {#1}
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
{ Finding,~counting,~and~sorting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
{ Typesetting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ '#1' ~with~size~#2 }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{ Dimensions~of~the~word~'#1': wd = #2 , ~ ht+dp = #3. }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position }
x = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmax_dim } , ~
y = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymax_dim }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
x = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim , ~
y = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
usepackage{xcolor} % for textcolor
usepackage{xparse} % for DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { fpeval } { m } { fp_eval:n {#1} }
number-of-words = 30 ,
style = {fboxsep=1ptfboxrule=0pt%
textcolor[rgb]{fpeval{1-#2/wordcloudMaxValue} .5 .5}{#1}} ,
angle-step = 15
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus
elit, vest ibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae,
felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy
eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec ve hicula augue eu
neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverra metus
rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna fringilla
ultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida
placerat. Integer sapien est, iaculis in, pretium quis, viverra ac,
nunc. Praesent eget sem vel leo ultrices bibendum. Aenean faucibus.
Morbi dolor nulla, malesuada eu, pulvinar at, mollis ac,
nulla. Curabitur auct or semper nulla. Donec varius orci eget
risus. Duis nibh mi, congue eu, accumsan eleifend, sagittis quis,
diam. Duis eget orci sit amet orci dignissim rutrum.
If I ever get time, I might try to implement the algorithm described here. One day...
– Bruno Le Floch
May 29 '14 at 0:04
Thanks you for this package in full latex. How to change the rule color around the cloud ? I would like to remove it or set it to white
– bioinfornatics
Sep 9 '15 at 12:13
@bioinformatics I am a bit confused by my code now, and I should probably revise it at some point. Remove the commandfbox
(it appears once) from the code. This is not a nice fix, ideally I should put an option to decide whether to include a box or not, but right now I don't have much time.
– Bruno Le Floch
Sep 12 '15 at 3:09
add a comment |
Here's a first stab at it.
deftemp{ }%
wcscale dimexpr (#2 - wcsmall)/(wcmaxfreq - 1)relax
longdefparsewords#1 {%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} + 1 relax
csedef{wc@#1}{numexpr csname wc@#1endcsname + 1relax}
count255 1
csedef{wc@#1}{thecount255 }%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} - 1 relax
dimen0 dimexpr thecount255 wcscale + wcsmall relax
fontsize{dimen0}{1.2dimen0}selectfont #1 % intentional space
And then you can use it like this.
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{foo bar baz foo foo foo foo foo baz}
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Praesent laoreet sem a metus dignissim iaculis. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Cras quis orci sit amet lectus fermentum mollis. Donec
sagittis diam id magna consectetur eget sagittis nulla sodales. Aenean
vel dapibus sem. Aliquam semper commodo elit vitae dictum. Donec vitae
adipiscing elit. Donec non turpis urna, dapibus commodo turpis.
Aliquam dapibus est nec ante pellentesque vitae sodales enim laoreet.
Mauris molestie dui porttitor lacus adipiscing vitae iaculis ipsum
pretium. Suspendisse et nulla ante. Integer mauris neque, dictum quis
lacinia non, iaculis ut nulla. Nam rhoncus dignissim ipsum ut
adipiscing. Aliquam dapibus viverra justo id pharetra. In nec mauris
It doesn't seem to work correctly with paragraphs, but I didn't look into it.
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2 Answers
2 Answers
Edit: Changed to code to make it work with newer versions of expl3
. Also added colors.
If you simply want the words in linear order, TH's simpler answer should work nicely. My code typesets the words from the most frequent to the least frequent, as close as possible to the center of the cloud, avoiding overlaps of course. This is rather slow. For instance, from the lipsum text I get (in a minute or so on my laptop)
You should to update the l3kernel
and l3experimental
bundles to the latest version (may 2014 at the time of writing): some of the functions I use (in particular sorting) are still evolving.
% Word cloud.
% At the end of the day, the user command is wordcloud.
% A typical usage would be
% wordcloud[
% number-of-words = 3,
% style = color{blue}{#1}]
% {list of various tags or words, possibly repeated
% to show significance}
% This makes a wordcloud where tags appear with a size
% proportional to the number of times they appear in the
% braced argument. Only the 3 (or more generally
% |number-of-words|) words which appear the most often
% will be displayed.
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { wordcloudMaxValue } { }
{ int_use:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int
prop_new:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_new:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_b_tl
int_new:N l_wordcloud_word_number_int
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_x_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_y_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
cs_generate_variant:Nn prop_put:Nnn { Nno }
keys_define:nn { wordcloud }
number-of-words .int_set:N = l_wordcloud_word_number_int ,
style .code:n =
{ cs_set_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn ##1 ##2 {#1} } ,
surround-fboxrule .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim ,
surround-fboxsep .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim ,
angle-step .fp_set:N = l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp ,
DeclareDocumentCommand { wordcloud } { O { } m }
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
int_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_word_number_int c_max_int
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp { 10 }
keys_set:nn { wordcloud } {#1}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
wordcloud_find_words:n {#2}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
wordcloud_typeset_words:n { l_wordcloud_word_number_int }
cs_generate_variant:Nn seq_set_split:Nnn { Nnx }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_find_words:n #1
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_clear:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ ~ } { tl_to_str:n {#1} }
seq_set_map:NNn l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ tl_map_function:nN {##1} __wordcloud_filter_letters:n }
seq_remove_all:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
cs_new:Npn __wordcloud_filter_letters:n #1
int_compare:nTF { `a <= `#1 <= `z } {#1}
{ int_compare:nT { `A <= `#1 <= `Z } {#1} }
cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn wordcloud_tally_words:
% Count occurrences, keeping track of repetition number in a prop.
prop_clear:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
prop_get:NnNTF l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% If the word is not new, add 1 to its count.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl
{ int_eval:n { l_wordcloud_tl + 1 } }
% Otherwise, initialize the count at 1.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl { 1 }
prop_put:Nno l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% Then make a seq with items of the form {word}{count}
% It would be better to use a different seq.
cs_set:Npn __wordcloud_tmp:w ##1 ##2 { { {##1} {##2} } }
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
{ prop_map_function:NN l_wordcloud_count_prop __wordcloud_tmp:w }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_sort_words_using_tally:
seq_sort:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
% If the second word count is > to the first, then the two words
% were in the wrong order (reversed), otherwise, the order is
% kept (ordered).
int_compare:nNnTF { use_ii:nn ##1 } < { use_ii:nn ##2 }
{ sort_return_swapped: } { sort_return_same: }
% we also set the max_count, used in the public wordcloudMaxValue
int_set:Nn l_wordcloud_max_count_int
exp_last_unbraced:Nf use_ii:nn
{ seq_item:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { 1 } }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_int
box_new:N l_wordcloud_result_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_words:n #1
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
hbox_set:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box
% rlap{*}
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_boxes_seq
int_zero:N l_wordcloud_int
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
int_compare:nF { l_wordcloud_int < #1 } { seq_map_break: }
int_incr:N l_wordcloud_int
msg_info:nnxx { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ use_i:nn ##1 } { use_ii:nn ##1 }
wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
seq_put_right:Nx l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ use_i:nn ##1 }
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
box_set_wd:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_ht:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_dp:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
dim_set_eq:NN fboxsep l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
dim_set_eq:NN fboxrule l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
skip_vertical:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
skip_horizontal:n { - g_wordcloud_xmin_dim }
box_use:N l_wordcloud_result_box
skip_horizontal:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
skip_vertical:n { - g_wordcloud_ymin_dim }
box_new:N l_wordcloud_word_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
hbox_set:Nn #1
color_group_begin: color_ensure_current:
wordcloud_word_style:nn {#2} {#3}
% make our box depth-less (bug in box_scale) before scaling it
hbox_set:Nn #1
{ box_move_up:nn { box_dp:N #1 } { box_use_drop:N #1 } }
box_scale:Nnn #1 {#3} {#3}
msg_info:nnxxx { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{#2} { box_wd:N #1 } { box_ht:N #1 + box_dp:N #1 }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp { inf }
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
fp_while_do:nn { l_wordcloud_angle_fp < 360 }
fp_add:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_fp
{ l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_x_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * cosd (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_y_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * sind (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim - .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim + .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim - .5 box_ht:N #1 - .5 box_dp:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim + .5 box_ht:N #1 + .5 box_dp:N #1 }
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmax } { max } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymax } { max } {#2}
msg_info:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position } {#2}
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim } + box_dp:N #1 }
hbox_to_wd:nn { 0pt }
skip_horizontal:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
box_use_drop:N #1
cs_new_protected:Npn __wordcloud_update_dim:nnn #1#2#3
dim_gset:cn { g_wordcloud_#1_dim }
use:c { dim_#2:nn }
{ use:c { g_wordcloud_#1_dim } }
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#3_#1_dim } }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_one_angle:
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_cos_fp { cosd ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_sin_fp { sind ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
% Next, we set the radius_fp to the distance between the origin
% and the intersection point (between the ray and the rectangles)
% furthest from the origin.
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_radius_fp
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymax_dim }
% We now know that we could place a word at a distance radius_fp
% and an angle angle_fp. If that is closer than what was found so
% far, used those values as the best_radius and best_angle.
{ l_wordcloud_radius_fp < l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp }
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp l_wordcloud_radius_fp
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp l_wordcloud_angle_fp
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN #1#2#3#4#5
{ dim_eval:n { #1 - .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #2 + .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #3 - .5 box_ht:N #5 - .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #4 + .5 box_ht:N #5 + .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
cs_generate_variant:Nn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN { cccc }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:nnnn #1#2#3#4
% Finds where a half-line starting at the origin with angle
% l_wordcloud_angle_fp intersects the rectangle with
% xmin=#1, xmax=#2, ymin=#3, ymax=#4. For each intersection
% that is further than the current radius_fp, increase radius_fp.
% The rectangle has four sides, so four calls to the auxiliary.
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius_aux:NnNnn #1#2#3#4#5
fp_compare:nF { #1 = 0 } % omit cases where ray // side.
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_r_fp { dim_to_fp:n {#2} / #1 }
{ #4 <= fp_to_dim:n { #3 * l_wordcloud_r_fp } <= #5 }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_radius_fp
{ max( l_wordcloud_radius_fp , l_wordcloud_r_fp ) }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn #1#2 {#1}
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
{ Finding,~counting,~and~sorting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
{ Typesetting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ '#1' ~with~size~#2 }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{ Dimensions~of~the~word~'#1': wd = #2 , ~ ht+dp = #3. }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position }
x = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmax_dim } , ~
y = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymax_dim }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
x = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim , ~
y = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
usepackage{xcolor} % for textcolor
usepackage{xparse} % for DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { fpeval } { m } { fp_eval:n {#1} }
number-of-words = 30 ,
style = {fboxsep=1ptfboxrule=0pt%
textcolor[rgb]{fpeval{1-#2/wordcloudMaxValue} .5 .5}{#1}} ,
angle-step = 15
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus
elit, vest ibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae,
felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy
eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec ve hicula augue eu
neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverra metus
rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna fringilla
ultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida
placerat. Integer sapien est, iaculis in, pretium quis, viverra ac,
nunc. Praesent eget sem vel leo ultrices bibendum. Aenean faucibus.
Morbi dolor nulla, malesuada eu, pulvinar at, mollis ac,
nulla. Curabitur auct or semper nulla. Donec varius orci eget
risus. Duis nibh mi, congue eu, accumsan eleifend, sagittis quis,
diam. Duis eget orci sit amet orci dignissim rutrum.
If I ever get time, I might try to implement the algorithm described here. One day...
– Bruno Le Floch
May 29 '14 at 0:04
Thanks you for this package in full latex. How to change the rule color around the cloud ? I would like to remove it or set it to white
– bioinfornatics
Sep 9 '15 at 12:13
@bioinformatics I am a bit confused by my code now, and I should probably revise it at some point. Remove the commandfbox
(it appears once) from the code. This is not a nice fix, ideally I should put an option to decide whether to include a box or not, but right now I don't have much time.
– Bruno Le Floch
Sep 12 '15 at 3:09
add a comment |
Edit: Changed to code to make it work with newer versions of expl3
. Also added colors.
If you simply want the words in linear order, TH's simpler answer should work nicely. My code typesets the words from the most frequent to the least frequent, as close as possible to the center of the cloud, avoiding overlaps of course. This is rather slow. For instance, from the lipsum text I get (in a minute or so on my laptop)
You should to update the l3kernel
and l3experimental
bundles to the latest version (may 2014 at the time of writing): some of the functions I use (in particular sorting) are still evolving.
% Word cloud.
% At the end of the day, the user command is wordcloud.
% A typical usage would be
% wordcloud[
% number-of-words = 3,
% style = color{blue}{#1}]
% {list of various tags or words, possibly repeated
% to show significance}
% This makes a wordcloud where tags appear with a size
% proportional to the number of times they appear in the
% braced argument. Only the 3 (or more generally
% |number-of-words|) words which appear the most often
% will be displayed.
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { wordcloudMaxValue } { }
{ int_use:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int
prop_new:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_new:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_b_tl
int_new:N l_wordcloud_word_number_int
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_x_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_y_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
cs_generate_variant:Nn prop_put:Nnn { Nno }
keys_define:nn { wordcloud }
number-of-words .int_set:N = l_wordcloud_word_number_int ,
style .code:n =
{ cs_set_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn ##1 ##2 {#1} } ,
surround-fboxrule .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim ,
surround-fboxsep .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim ,
angle-step .fp_set:N = l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp ,
DeclareDocumentCommand { wordcloud } { O { } m }
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
int_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_word_number_int c_max_int
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp { 10 }
keys_set:nn { wordcloud } {#1}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
wordcloud_find_words:n {#2}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
wordcloud_typeset_words:n { l_wordcloud_word_number_int }
cs_generate_variant:Nn seq_set_split:Nnn { Nnx }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_find_words:n #1
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_clear:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ ~ } { tl_to_str:n {#1} }
seq_set_map:NNn l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ tl_map_function:nN {##1} __wordcloud_filter_letters:n }
seq_remove_all:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
cs_new:Npn __wordcloud_filter_letters:n #1
int_compare:nTF { `a <= `#1 <= `z } {#1}
{ int_compare:nT { `A <= `#1 <= `Z } {#1} }
cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn wordcloud_tally_words:
% Count occurrences, keeping track of repetition number in a prop.
prop_clear:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
prop_get:NnNTF l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% If the word is not new, add 1 to its count.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl
{ int_eval:n { l_wordcloud_tl + 1 } }
% Otherwise, initialize the count at 1.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl { 1 }
prop_put:Nno l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% Then make a seq with items of the form {word}{count}
% It would be better to use a different seq.
cs_set:Npn __wordcloud_tmp:w ##1 ##2 { { {##1} {##2} } }
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
{ prop_map_function:NN l_wordcloud_count_prop __wordcloud_tmp:w }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_sort_words_using_tally:
seq_sort:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
% If the second word count is > to the first, then the two words
% were in the wrong order (reversed), otherwise, the order is
% kept (ordered).
int_compare:nNnTF { use_ii:nn ##1 } < { use_ii:nn ##2 }
{ sort_return_swapped: } { sort_return_same: }
% we also set the max_count, used in the public wordcloudMaxValue
int_set:Nn l_wordcloud_max_count_int
exp_last_unbraced:Nf use_ii:nn
{ seq_item:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { 1 } }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_int
box_new:N l_wordcloud_result_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_words:n #1
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
hbox_set:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box
% rlap{*}
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_boxes_seq
int_zero:N l_wordcloud_int
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
int_compare:nF { l_wordcloud_int < #1 } { seq_map_break: }
int_incr:N l_wordcloud_int
msg_info:nnxx { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ use_i:nn ##1 } { use_ii:nn ##1 }
wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
seq_put_right:Nx l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ use_i:nn ##1 }
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
box_set_wd:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_ht:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_dp:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
dim_set_eq:NN fboxsep l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
dim_set_eq:NN fboxrule l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
skip_vertical:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
skip_horizontal:n { - g_wordcloud_xmin_dim }
box_use:N l_wordcloud_result_box
skip_horizontal:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
skip_vertical:n { - g_wordcloud_ymin_dim }
box_new:N l_wordcloud_word_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
hbox_set:Nn #1
color_group_begin: color_ensure_current:
wordcloud_word_style:nn {#2} {#3}
% make our box depth-less (bug in box_scale) before scaling it
hbox_set:Nn #1
{ box_move_up:nn { box_dp:N #1 } { box_use_drop:N #1 } }
box_scale:Nnn #1 {#3} {#3}
msg_info:nnxxx { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{#2} { box_wd:N #1 } { box_ht:N #1 + box_dp:N #1 }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp { inf }
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
fp_while_do:nn { l_wordcloud_angle_fp < 360 }
fp_add:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_fp
{ l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_x_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * cosd (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_y_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * sind (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim - .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim + .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim - .5 box_ht:N #1 - .5 box_dp:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim + .5 box_ht:N #1 + .5 box_dp:N #1 }
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmax } { max } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymax } { max } {#2}
msg_info:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position } {#2}
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim } + box_dp:N #1 }
hbox_to_wd:nn { 0pt }
skip_horizontal:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
box_use_drop:N #1
cs_new_protected:Npn __wordcloud_update_dim:nnn #1#2#3
dim_gset:cn { g_wordcloud_#1_dim }
use:c { dim_#2:nn }
{ use:c { g_wordcloud_#1_dim } }
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#3_#1_dim } }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_one_angle:
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_cos_fp { cosd ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_sin_fp { sind ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
% Next, we set the radius_fp to the distance between the origin
% and the intersection point (between the ray and the rectangles)
% furthest from the origin.
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_radius_fp
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymax_dim }
% We now know that we could place a word at a distance radius_fp
% and an angle angle_fp. If that is closer than what was found so
% far, used those values as the best_radius and best_angle.
{ l_wordcloud_radius_fp < l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp }
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp l_wordcloud_radius_fp
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp l_wordcloud_angle_fp
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN #1#2#3#4#5
{ dim_eval:n { #1 - .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #2 + .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #3 - .5 box_ht:N #5 - .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #4 + .5 box_ht:N #5 + .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
cs_generate_variant:Nn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN { cccc }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:nnnn #1#2#3#4
% Finds where a half-line starting at the origin with angle
% l_wordcloud_angle_fp intersects the rectangle with
% xmin=#1, xmax=#2, ymin=#3, ymax=#4. For each intersection
% that is further than the current radius_fp, increase radius_fp.
% The rectangle has four sides, so four calls to the auxiliary.
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius_aux:NnNnn #1#2#3#4#5
fp_compare:nF { #1 = 0 } % omit cases where ray // side.
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_r_fp { dim_to_fp:n {#2} / #1 }
{ #4 <= fp_to_dim:n { #3 * l_wordcloud_r_fp } <= #5 }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_radius_fp
{ max( l_wordcloud_radius_fp , l_wordcloud_r_fp ) }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn #1#2 {#1}
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
{ Finding,~counting,~and~sorting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
{ Typesetting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ '#1' ~with~size~#2 }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{ Dimensions~of~the~word~'#1': wd = #2 , ~ ht+dp = #3. }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position }
x = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmax_dim } , ~
y = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymax_dim }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
x = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim , ~
y = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
usepackage{xcolor} % for textcolor
usepackage{xparse} % for DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { fpeval } { m } { fp_eval:n {#1} }
number-of-words = 30 ,
style = {fboxsep=1ptfboxrule=0pt%
textcolor[rgb]{fpeval{1-#2/wordcloudMaxValue} .5 .5}{#1}} ,
angle-step = 15
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus
elit, vest ibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae,
felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy
eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec ve hicula augue eu
neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverra metus
rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna fringilla
ultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida
placerat. Integer sapien est, iaculis in, pretium quis, viverra ac,
nunc. Praesent eget sem vel leo ultrices bibendum. Aenean faucibus.
Morbi dolor nulla, malesuada eu, pulvinar at, mollis ac,
nulla. Curabitur auct or semper nulla. Donec varius orci eget
risus. Duis nibh mi, congue eu, accumsan eleifend, sagittis quis,
diam. Duis eget orci sit amet orci dignissim rutrum.
If I ever get time, I might try to implement the algorithm described here. One day...
– Bruno Le Floch
May 29 '14 at 0:04
Thanks you for this package in full latex. How to change the rule color around the cloud ? I would like to remove it or set it to white
– bioinfornatics
Sep 9 '15 at 12:13
@bioinformatics I am a bit confused by my code now, and I should probably revise it at some point. Remove the commandfbox
(it appears once) from the code. This is not a nice fix, ideally I should put an option to decide whether to include a box or not, but right now I don't have much time.
– Bruno Le Floch
Sep 12 '15 at 3:09
add a comment |
Edit: Changed to code to make it work with newer versions of expl3
. Also added colors.
If you simply want the words in linear order, TH's simpler answer should work nicely. My code typesets the words from the most frequent to the least frequent, as close as possible to the center of the cloud, avoiding overlaps of course. This is rather slow. For instance, from the lipsum text I get (in a minute or so on my laptop)
You should to update the l3kernel
and l3experimental
bundles to the latest version (may 2014 at the time of writing): some of the functions I use (in particular sorting) are still evolving.
% Word cloud.
% At the end of the day, the user command is wordcloud.
% A typical usage would be
% wordcloud[
% number-of-words = 3,
% style = color{blue}{#1}]
% {list of various tags or words, possibly repeated
% to show significance}
% This makes a wordcloud where tags appear with a size
% proportional to the number of times they appear in the
% braced argument. Only the 3 (or more generally
% |number-of-words|) words which appear the most often
% will be displayed.
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { wordcloudMaxValue } { }
{ int_use:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int
prop_new:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_new:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_b_tl
int_new:N l_wordcloud_word_number_int
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_x_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_y_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
cs_generate_variant:Nn prop_put:Nnn { Nno }
keys_define:nn { wordcloud }
number-of-words .int_set:N = l_wordcloud_word_number_int ,
style .code:n =
{ cs_set_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn ##1 ##2 {#1} } ,
surround-fboxrule .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim ,
surround-fboxsep .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim ,
angle-step .fp_set:N = l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp ,
DeclareDocumentCommand { wordcloud } { O { } m }
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
int_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_word_number_int c_max_int
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp { 10 }
keys_set:nn { wordcloud } {#1}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
wordcloud_find_words:n {#2}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
wordcloud_typeset_words:n { l_wordcloud_word_number_int }
cs_generate_variant:Nn seq_set_split:Nnn { Nnx }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_find_words:n #1
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_clear:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ ~ } { tl_to_str:n {#1} }
seq_set_map:NNn l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ tl_map_function:nN {##1} __wordcloud_filter_letters:n }
seq_remove_all:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
cs_new:Npn __wordcloud_filter_letters:n #1
int_compare:nTF { `a <= `#1 <= `z } {#1}
{ int_compare:nT { `A <= `#1 <= `Z } {#1} }
cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn wordcloud_tally_words:
% Count occurrences, keeping track of repetition number in a prop.
prop_clear:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
prop_get:NnNTF l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% If the word is not new, add 1 to its count.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl
{ int_eval:n { l_wordcloud_tl + 1 } }
% Otherwise, initialize the count at 1.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl { 1 }
prop_put:Nno l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% Then make a seq with items of the form {word}{count}
% It would be better to use a different seq.
cs_set:Npn __wordcloud_tmp:w ##1 ##2 { { {##1} {##2} } }
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
{ prop_map_function:NN l_wordcloud_count_prop __wordcloud_tmp:w }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_sort_words_using_tally:
seq_sort:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
% If the second word count is > to the first, then the two words
% were in the wrong order (reversed), otherwise, the order is
% kept (ordered).
int_compare:nNnTF { use_ii:nn ##1 } < { use_ii:nn ##2 }
{ sort_return_swapped: } { sort_return_same: }
% we also set the max_count, used in the public wordcloudMaxValue
int_set:Nn l_wordcloud_max_count_int
exp_last_unbraced:Nf use_ii:nn
{ seq_item:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { 1 } }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_int
box_new:N l_wordcloud_result_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_words:n #1
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
hbox_set:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box
% rlap{*}
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_boxes_seq
int_zero:N l_wordcloud_int
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
int_compare:nF { l_wordcloud_int < #1 } { seq_map_break: }
int_incr:N l_wordcloud_int
msg_info:nnxx { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ use_i:nn ##1 } { use_ii:nn ##1 }
wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
seq_put_right:Nx l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ use_i:nn ##1 }
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
box_set_wd:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_ht:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_dp:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
dim_set_eq:NN fboxsep l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
dim_set_eq:NN fboxrule l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
skip_vertical:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
skip_horizontal:n { - g_wordcloud_xmin_dim }
box_use:N l_wordcloud_result_box
skip_horizontal:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
skip_vertical:n { - g_wordcloud_ymin_dim }
box_new:N l_wordcloud_word_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
hbox_set:Nn #1
color_group_begin: color_ensure_current:
wordcloud_word_style:nn {#2} {#3}
% make our box depth-less (bug in box_scale) before scaling it
hbox_set:Nn #1
{ box_move_up:nn { box_dp:N #1 } { box_use_drop:N #1 } }
box_scale:Nnn #1 {#3} {#3}
msg_info:nnxxx { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{#2} { box_wd:N #1 } { box_ht:N #1 + box_dp:N #1 }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp { inf }
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
fp_while_do:nn { l_wordcloud_angle_fp < 360 }
fp_add:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_fp
{ l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_x_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * cosd (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_y_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * sind (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim - .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim + .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim - .5 box_ht:N #1 - .5 box_dp:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim + .5 box_ht:N #1 + .5 box_dp:N #1 }
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmax } { max } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymax } { max } {#2}
msg_info:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position } {#2}
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim } + box_dp:N #1 }
hbox_to_wd:nn { 0pt }
skip_horizontal:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
box_use_drop:N #1
cs_new_protected:Npn __wordcloud_update_dim:nnn #1#2#3
dim_gset:cn { g_wordcloud_#1_dim }
use:c { dim_#2:nn }
{ use:c { g_wordcloud_#1_dim } }
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#3_#1_dim } }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_one_angle:
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_cos_fp { cosd ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_sin_fp { sind ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
% Next, we set the radius_fp to the distance between the origin
% and the intersection point (between the ray and the rectangles)
% furthest from the origin.
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_radius_fp
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymax_dim }
% We now know that we could place a word at a distance radius_fp
% and an angle angle_fp. If that is closer than what was found so
% far, used those values as the best_radius and best_angle.
{ l_wordcloud_radius_fp < l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp }
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp l_wordcloud_radius_fp
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp l_wordcloud_angle_fp
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN #1#2#3#4#5
{ dim_eval:n { #1 - .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #2 + .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #3 - .5 box_ht:N #5 - .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #4 + .5 box_ht:N #5 + .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
cs_generate_variant:Nn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN { cccc }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:nnnn #1#2#3#4
% Finds where a half-line starting at the origin with angle
% l_wordcloud_angle_fp intersects the rectangle with
% xmin=#1, xmax=#2, ymin=#3, ymax=#4. For each intersection
% that is further than the current radius_fp, increase radius_fp.
% The rectangle has four sides, so four calls to the auxiliary.
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius_aux:NnNnn #1#2#3#4#5
fp_compare:nF { #1 = 0 } % omit cases where ray // side.
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_r_fp { dim_to_fp:n {#2} / #1 }
{ #4 <= fp_to_dim:n { #3 * l_wordcloud_r_fp } <= #5 }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_radius_fp
{ max( l_wordcloud_radius_fp , l_wordcloud_r_fp ) }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn #1#2 {#1}
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
{ Finding,~counting,~and~sorting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
{ Typesetting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ '#1' ~with~size~#2 }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{ Dimensions~of~the~word~'#1': wd = #2 , ~ ht+dp = #3. }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position }
x = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmax_dim } , ~
y = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymax_dim }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
x = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim , ~
y = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
usepackage{xcolor} % for textcolor
usepackage{xparse} % for DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { fpeval } { m } { fp_eval:n {#1} }
number-of-words = 30 ,
style = {fboxsep=1ptfboxrule=0pt%
textcolor[rgb]{fpeval{1-#2/wordcloudMaxValue} .5 .5}{#1}} ,
angle-step = 15
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus
elit, vest ibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae,
felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy
eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec ve hicula augue eu
neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverra metus
rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna fringilla
ultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida
placerat. Integer sapien est, iaculis in, pretium quis, viverra ac,
nunc. Praesent eget sem vel leo ultrices bibendum. Aenean faucibus.
Morbi dolor nulla, malesuada eu, pulvinar at, mollis ac,
nulla. Curabitur auct or semper nulla. Donec varius orci eget
risus. Duis nibh mi, congue eu, accumsan eleifend, sagittis quis,
diam. Duis eget orci sit amet orci dignissim rutrum.
Edit: Changed to code to make it work with newer versions of expl3
. Also added colors.
If you simply want the words in linear order, TH's simpler answer should work nicely. My code typesets the words from the most frequent to the least frequent, as close as possible to the center of the cloud, avoiding overlaps of course. This is rather slow. For instance, from the lipsum text I get (in a minute or so on my laptop)
You should to update the l3kernel
and l3experimental
bundles to the latest version (may 2014 at the time of writing): some of the functions I use (in particular sorting) are still evolving.
% Word cloud.
% At the end of the day, the user command is wordcloud.
% A typical usage would be
% wordcloud[
% number-of-words = 3,
% style = color{blue}{#1}]
% {list of various tags or words, possibly repeated
% to show significance}
% This makes a wordcloud where tags appear with a size
% proportional to the number of times they appear in the
% braced argument. Only the 3 (or more generally
% |number-of-words|) words which appear the most often
% will be displayed.
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { wordcloudMaxValue } { }
{ int_use:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_max_count_int
prop_new:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_new:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_tl
tl_new:N l_wordcloud_b_tl
int_new:N l_wordcloud_word_number_int
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_x_dim
dim_new:N l_wordcloud_y_dim
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp
fp_new:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_new:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
cs_generate_variant:Nn prop_put:Nnn { Nno }
keys_define:nn { wordcloud }
number-of-words .int_set:N = l_wordcloud_word_number_int ,
style .code:n =
{ cs_set_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn ##1 ##2 {#1} } ,
surround-fboxrule .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim ,
surround-fboxsep .dim_set:N = l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim ,
angle-step .fp_set:N = l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp ,
DeclareDocumentCommand { wordcloud } { O { } m }
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim fboxrule
dim_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim fboxsep
int_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_word_number_int c_max_int
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp { 10 }
keys_set:nn { wordcloud } {#1}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
wordcloud_find_words:n {#2}
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
wordcloud_typeset_words:n { l_wordcloud_word_number_int }
cs_generate_variant:Nn seq_set_split:Nnn { Nnx }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_find_words:n #1
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_words_seq
tl_clear:N l_wordcloud_word_tl
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ ~ } { tl_to_str:n {#1} }
seq_set_map:NNn l_wordcloud_words_seq
{ tl_map_function:nN {##1} __wordcloud_filter_letters:n }
seq_remove_all:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
cs_new:Npn __wordcloud_filter_letters:n #1
int_compare:nTF { `a <= `#1 <= `z } {#1}
{ int_compare:nT { `A <= `#1 <= `Z } {#1} }
cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn wordcloud_tally_words:
% Count occurrences, keeping track of repetition number in a prop.
prop_clear:N l_wordcloud_count_prop
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
prop_get:NnNTF l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% If the word is not new, add 1 to its count.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl
{ int_eval:n { l_wordcloud_tl + 1 } }
% Otherwise, initialize the count at 1.
tl_set:Nx l_wordcloud_tl { 1 }
prop_put:Nno l_wordcloud_count_prop {##1} l_wordcloud_tl
% Then make a seq with items of the form {word}{count}
% It would be better to use a different seq.
cs_set:Npn __wordcloud_tmp:w ##1 ##2 { { {##1} {##2} } }
seq_set_split:Nnx l_wordcloud_words_seq { }
{ prop_map_function:NN l_wordcloud_count_prop __wordcloud_tmp:w }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_sort_words_using_tally:
seq_sort:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
% If the second word count is > to the first, then the two words
% were in the wrong order (reversed), otherwise, the order is
% kept (ordered).
int_compare:nNnTF { use_ii:nn ##1 } < { use_ii:nn ##2 }
{ sort_return_swapped: } { sort_return_same: }
% we also set the max_count, used in the public wordcloudMaxValue
int_set:Nn l_wordcloud_max_count_int
exp_last_unbraced:Nf use_ii:nn
{ seq_item:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq { 1 } }
int_new:N l_wordcloud_int
box_new:N l_wordcloud_result_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_words:n #1
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
dim_gzero:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
hbox_set:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box
% rlap{*}
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_boxes_seq
int_zero:N l_wordcloud_int
seq_clear:N l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_words_seq
int_compare:nF { l_wordcloud_int < #1 } { seq_map_break: }
int_incr:N l_wordcloud_int
msg_info:nnxx { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ use_i:nn ##1 } { use_ii:nn ##1 }
wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn l_wordcloud_word_box ##1
seq_put_right:Nx l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ use_i:nn ##1 }
msg_info:nn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
box_set_wd:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_ht:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
box_set_dp:Nn l_wordcloud_result_box { 0pt }
dim_set_eq:NN fboxsep l_wordcloud_surround_fboxsep_dim
dim_set_eq:NN fboxrule l_wordcloud_surround_fboxrule_dim
skip_vertical:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
skip_horizontal:n { - g_wordcloud_xmin_dim }
box_use:N l_wordcloud_result_box
skip_horizontal:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim
skip_vertical:n { - g_wordcloud_ymin_dim }
box_new:N l_wordcloud_word_box
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_typeset_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
hbox_set:Nn #1
color_group_begin: color_ensure_current:
wordcloud_word_style:nn {#2} {#3}
% make our box depth-less (bug in box_scale) before scaling it
hbox_set:Nn #1
{ box_move_up:nn { box_dp:N #1 } { box_use_drop:N #1 } }
box_scale:Nnn #1 {#3} {#3}
msg_info:nnxxx { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{#2} { box_wd:N #1 } { box_ht:N #1 + box_dp:N #1 }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_locate_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp { inf }
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_angle_fp
fp_while_do:nn { l_wordcloud_angle_fp < 360 }
fp_add:Nn l_wordcloud_angle_fp
{ l_wordcloud_angle_increment_fp }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_place_one_word:Nnn #1#2#3
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_x_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * cosd (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_set:Nn l_wordcloud_y_dim
{ l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp * sind (l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp) }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim - .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_x_dim + .5 box_wd:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim - .5 box_ht:N #1 - .5 box_dp:N #1 }
dim_new:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
dim_set:cn { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_y_dim + .5 box_ht:N #1 + .5 box_dp:N #1 }
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { xmax } { max } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymin } { min } {#2}
__wordcloud_update_dim:nnn { ymax } { max } {#2}
msg_info:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position } {#2}
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_ymin_dim } + box_dp:N #1 }
hbox_to_wd:nn { 0pt }
skip_horizontal:c { l_wordcloud_word_#2_xmin_dim }
box_use_drop:N #1
cs_new_protected:Npn __wordcloud_update_dim:nnn #1#2#3
dim_gset:cn { g_wordcloud_#1_dim }
use:c { dim_#2:nn }
{ use:c { g_wordcloud_#1_dim } }
{ use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#3_#1_dim } }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_one_angle:
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_cos_fp { cosd ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_sin_fp { sind ( l_wordcloud_angle_fp ) }
% Next, we set the radius_fp to the distance between the origin
% and the intersection point (between the ray and the rectangles)
% furthest from the origin.
fp_zero:N l_wordcloud_radius_fp
seq_map_inline:Nn l_wordcloud_typeset_words_seq
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_xmax_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymin_dim }
{ l_wordcloud_word_##1_ymax_dim }
% We now know that we could place a word at a distance radius_fp
% and an angle angle_fp. If that is closer than what was found so
% far, used those values as the best_radius and best_angle.
{ l_wordcloud_radius_fp < l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp }
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_radius_fp l_wordcloud_radius_fp
fp_set_eq:NN l_wordcloud_best_angle_fp l_wordcloud_angle_fp
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN #1#2#3#4#5
{ dim_eval:n { #1 - .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #2 + .5 box_wd:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #3 - .5 box_ht:N #5 - .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
{ dim_eval:n { #4 + .5 box_ht:N #5 + .5 box_dp:N #5 } }
cs_generate_variant:Nn wordcloud_get_radius:NNNNN { cccc }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius:nnnn #1#2#3#4
% Finds where a half-line starting at the origin with angle
% l_wordcloud_angle_fp intersects the rectangle with
% xmin=#1, xmax=#2, ymin=#3, ymax=#4. For each intersection
% that is further than the current radius_fp, increase radius_fp.
% The rectangle has four sides, so four calls to the auxiliary.
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3} {#4}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#3}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
l_wordcloud_sin_fp {#4}
l_wordcloud_cos_fp {#1} {#2}
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_get_radius_aux:NnNnn #1#2#3#4#5
fp_compare:nF { #1 = 0 } % omit cases where ray // side.
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_r_fp { dim_to_fp:n {#2} / #1 }
{ #4 <= fp_to_dim:n { #3 * l_wordcloud_r_fp } <= #5 }
fp_set:Nn l_wordcloud_radius_fp
{ max( l_wordcloud_radius_fp , l_wordcloud_r_fp ) }
cs_new_protected:Npn wordcloud_word_style:nn #1#2 {#1}
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { listing-words }
{ Finding,~counting,~and~sorting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { typesetting-words }
{ Typesetting~the~words }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { one-word }
{ '#1' ~with~size~#2 }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-dimensions }
{ Dimensions~of~the~word~'#1': wd = #2 , ~ ht+dp = #3. }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { word-position }
x = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_xmax_dim } , ~
y = dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymin_dim }
.. dim_use:c { l_wordcloud_word_#1_ymax_dim }
msg_new:nnn { wordcloud } { result-dimensions }
x = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_xmax_dim , ~
y = dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymin_dim
.. dim_use:N g_wordcloud_ymax_dim
usepackage{xcolor} % for textcolor
usepackage{xparse} % for DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand
DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand { fpeval } { m } { fp_eval:n {#1} }
number-of-words = 30 ,
style = {fboxsep=1ptfboxrule=0pt%
textcolor[rgb]{fpeval{1-#2/wordcloudMaxValue} .5 .5}{#1}} ,
angle-step = 15
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus
elit, vest ibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae,
felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy
eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec ve hicula augue eu
neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverra metus
rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna fringilla
ultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida
placerat. Integer sapien est, iaculis in, pretium quis, viverra ac,
nunc. Praesent eget sem vel leo ultrices bibendum. Aenean faucibus.
Morbi dolor nulla, malesuada eu, pulvinar at, mollis ac,
nulla. Curabitur auct or semper nulla. Donec varius orci eget
risus. Duis nibh mi, congue eu, accumsan eleifend, sagittis quis,
diam. Duis eget orci sit amet orci dignissim rutrum.
edited 7 mins ago
answered Feb 27 '12 at 8:40
Bruno Le Floch
If I ever get time, I might try to implement the algorithm described here. One day...
– Bruno Le Floch
May 29 '14 at 0:04
Thanks you for this package in full latex. How to change the rule color around the cloud ? I would like to remove it or set it to white
– bioinfornatics
Sep 9 '15 at 12:13
@bioinformatics I am a bit confused by my code now, and I should probably revise it at some point. Remove the commandfbox
(it appears once) from the code. This is not a nice fix, ideally I should put an option to decide whether to include a box or not, but right now I don't have much time.
– Bruno Le Floch
Sep 12 '15 at 3:09
add a comment |
If I ever get time, I might try to implement the algorithm described here. One day...
– Bruno Le Floch
May 29 '14 at 0:04
Thanks you for this package in full latex. How to change the rule color around the cloud ? I would like to remove it or set it to white
– bioinfornatics
Sep 9 '15 at 12:13
@bioinformatics I am a bit confused by my code now, and I should probably revise it at some point. Remove the commandfbox
(it appears once) from the code. This is not a nice fix, ideally I should put an option to decide whether to include a box or not, but right now I don't have much time.
– Bruno Le Floch
Sep 12 '15 at 3:09
If I ever get time, I might try to implement the algorithm described here. One day...
– Bruno Le Floch
May 29 '14 at 0:04
If I ever get time, I might try to implement the algorithm described here. One day...
– Bruno Le Floch
May 29 '14 at 0:04
Thanks you for this package in full latex. How to change the rule color around the cloud ? I would like to remove it or set it to white
– bioinfornatics
Sep 9 '15 at 12:13
Thanks you for this package in full latex. How to change the rule color around the cloud ? I would like to remove it or set it to white
– bioinfornatics
Sep 9 '15 at 12:13
@bioinformatics I am a bit confused by my code now, and I should probably revise it at some point. Remove the command
(it appears once) from the code. This is not a nice fix, ideally I should put an option to decide whether to include a box or not, but right now I don't have much time.– Bruno Le Floch
Sep 12 '15 at 3:09
@bioinformatics I am a bit confused by my code now, and I should probably revise it at some point. Remove the command
(it appears once) from the code. This is not a nice fix, ideally I should put an option to decide whether to include a box or not, but right now I don't have much time.– Bruno Le Floch
Sep 12 '15 at 3:09
add a comment |
Here's a first stab at it.
deftemp{ }%
wcscale dimexpr (#2 - wcsmall)/(wcmaxfreq - 1)relax
longdefparsewords#1 {%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} + 1 relax
csedef{wc@#1}{numexpr csname wc@#1endcsname + 1relax}
count255 1
csedef{wc@#1}{thecount255 }%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} - 1 relax
dimen0 dimexpr thecount255 wcscale + wcsmall relax
fontsize{dimen0}{1.2dimen0}selectfont #1 % intentional space
And then you can use it like this.
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{foo bar baz foo foo foo foo foo baz}
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Praesent laoreet sem a metus dignissim iaculis. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Cras quis orci sit amet lectus fermentum mollis. Donec
sagittis diam id magna consectetur eget sagittis nulla sodales. Aenean
vel dapibus sem. Aliquam semper commodo elit vitae dictum. Donec vitae
adipiscing elit. Donec non turpis urna, dapibus commodo turpis.
Aliquam dapibus est nec ante pellentesque vitae sodales enim laoreet.
Mauris molestie dui porttitor lacus adipiscing vitae iaculis ipsum
pretium. Suspendisse et nulla ante. Integer mauris neque, dictum quis
lacinia non, iaculis ut nulla. Nam rhoncus dignissim ipsum ut
adipiscing. Aliquam dapibus viverra justo id pharetra. In nec mauris
It doesn't seem to work correctly with paragraphs, but I didn't look into it.
add a comment |
Here's a first stab at it.
deftemp{ }%
wcscale dimexpr (#2 - wcsmall)/(wcmaxfreq - 1)relax
longdefparsewords#1 {%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} + 1 relax
csedef{wc@#1}{numexpr csname wc@#1endcsname + 1relax}
count255 1
csedef{wc@#1}{thecount255 }%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} - 1 relax
dimen0 dimexpr thecount255 wcscale + wcsmall relax
fontsize{dimen0}{1.2dimen0}selectfont #1 % intentional space
And then you can use it like this.
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{foo bar baz foo foo foo foo foo baz}
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Praesent laoreet sem a metus dignissim iaculis. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Cras quis orci sit amet lectus fermentum mollis. Donec
sagittis diam id magna consectetur eget sagittis nulla sodales. Aenean
vel dapibus sem. Aliquam semper commodo elit vitae dictum. Donec vitae
adipiscing elit. Donec non turpis urna, dapibus commodo turpis.
Aliquam dapibus est nec ante pellentesque vitae sodales enim laoreet.
Mauris molestie dui porttitor lacus adipiscing vitae iaculis ipsum
pretium. Suspendisse et nulla ante. Integer mauris neque, dictum quis
lacinia non, iaculis ut nulla. Nam rhoncus dignissim ipsum ut
adipiscing. Aliquam dapibus viverra justo id pharetra. In nec mauris
It doesn't seem to work correctly with paragraphs, but I didn't look into it.
add a comment |
Here's a first stab at it.
deftemp{ }%
wcscale dimexpr (#2 - wcsmall)/(wcmaxfreq - 1)relax
longdefparsewords#1 {%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} + 1 relax
csedef{wc@#1}{numexpr csname wc@#1endcsname + 1relax}
count255 1
csedef{wc@#1}{thecount255 }%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} - 1 relax
dimen0 dimexpr thecount255 wcscale + wcsmall relax
fontsize{dimen0}{1.2dimen0}selectfont #1 % intentional space
And then you can use it like this.
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{foo bar baz foo foo foo foo foo baz}
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Praesent laoreet sem a metus dignissim iaculis. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Cras quis orci sit amet lectus fermentum mollis. Donec
sagittis diam id magna consectetur eget sagittis nulla sodales. Aenean
vel dapibus sem. Aliquam semper commodo elit vitae dictum. Donec vitae
adipiscing elit. Donec non turpis urna, dapibus commodo turpis.
Aliquam dapibus est nec ante pellentesque vitae sodales enim laoreet.
Mauris molestie dui porttitor lacus adipiscing vitae iaculis ipsum
pretium. Suspendisse et nulla ante. Integer mauris neque, dictum quis
lacinia non, iaculis ut nulla. Nam rhoncus dignissim ipsum ut
adipiscing. Aliquam dapibus viverra justo id pharetra. In nec mauris
It doesn't seem to work correctly with paragraphs, but I didn't look into it.
Here's a first stab at it.
deftemp{ }%
wcscale dimexpr (#2 - wcsmall)/(wcmaxfreq - 1)relax
longdefparsewords#1 {%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} + 1 relax
csedef{wc@#1}{numexpr csname wc@#1endcsname + 1relax}
count255 1
csedef{wc@#1}{thecount255 }%
count255 numexpr csuse{wc@#1} - 1 relax
dimen0 dimexpr thecount255 wcscale + wcsmall relax
fontsize{dimen0}{1.2dimen0}selectfont #1 % intentional space
And then you can use it like this.
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{foo bar baz foo foo foo foo foo baz}
wordcloud{8pt}{36pt}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Praesent laoreet sem a metus dignissim iaculis. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Cras quis orci sit amet lectus fermentum mollis. Donec
sagittis diam id magna consectetur eget sagittis nulla sodales. Aenean
vel dapibus sem. Aliquam semper commodo elit vitae dictum. Donec vitae
adipiscing elit. Donec non turpis urna, dapibus commodo turpis.
Aliquam dapibus est nec ante pellentesque vitae sodales enim laoreet.
Mauris molestie dui porttitor lacus adipiscing vitae iaculis ipsum
pretium. Suspendisse et nulla ante. Integer mauris neque, dictum quis
lacinia non, iaculis ut nulla. Nam rhoncus dignissim ipsum ut
adipiscing. Aliquam dapibus viverra justo id pharetra. In nec mauris
It doesn't seem to work correctly with paragraphs, but I didn't look into it.
answered Sep 19 '10 at 20:45
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What part are you stuck at? That WP style just involves finding the relative frequency of the words, and then typesetting all the words scaled according to their weight (and disabling hyphenation).
– Aditya
Sep 19 '10 at 19:23